Sunday, October 5, 2014

Composing In Design and Visual Art

Composing in Design and Visual Arts is a very interesting aspect of the modern age of composing. drawing while using the whole space and architecture being two important aspects of this section. Through our presenters we learned a lot about the importance and correct ways to implement lighting an architecture into our work.

Going into this topic I already knew about the importance of using the entire canvas for your work. As a filmmaker I don't want to have a frame that has images that don't fit and or are really boring.  It is crucial for any art form to fill the space in which you are confined. Most of my knowledge of architecture comes from reading Ann Rands The Fountainhead  , so really I don't know much about it but from a design aspect, I know that architects put their heart and soul into what they design and then ultimately create.

I actually learned quite a lot in this unit. What I have come to learn and understand about this class is that the main over arching theme is to borrow from other artists but do it in your own way. You don't want to borrow and make an exact copy of something, especially in architecture. Now I learned a lot about architecture, especially the idea that you can design a building to look like animals or objects. Abstract metal curving buildings also are a very cool aspect of architecture which is semi futuristic to me and I never really thought of building being made to look like that. It is so easy to create and make artwork especially in our digital age when we can combined images and blend them together though photoshop.

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